Flame Applications and Products Detector Electronics' flame detectors aresolutionsforapplicationsin which risk to personnel is high andwherefiremight resultin a large loss of equipment. Beyondcriticallife-safetyconcerns, our products have proven tominimizetotalcost ofownership while minimizing false alarms. Our industrial andcommercialapplicationsincludeoil and gas pipelines,turbineenclosures,off-shoreplatforms, Floating Production StorageandOffloading(FPSO)vessels, automotive-manufacturingfacilities,aircrafthangers,nuclear facilities, hydrogen-fillingstations,andmunitionplants. Bottom line -- no othercompanyoffersmoreflame-detection technologies with widerareacoverage,higherfalse-alarm immunity, reduced response times,andtheappropriateglobal approvals. And to improve ease ofuse,allX-Series flamedetectors have HART-protocol options. |
| X3301 Multispectrum infrared The most versatile and reliable detector in theworldprovidingtheearliest response to the smallest fires andthehighestlevel offalse alarm rejection. Its multi-fueloff-axisdetectionprovides thelargest area of coverage, makingit aneconomicchoice. | | | |
| X3302 MultispecTrum infrared The X3302 detects hard-to-see hydrogenflamesandothernon-carbon-based materials without thefalsealarmsassociatedwith traditional technologies.Its100fton-axis and100ft off-axis detection range makes itanidealsolution forhydrogen surveillance by providing fourtimesthecoverage thanconventional UV technologies. | | | |
| x5200 UVIR The X5200 combines a dual-infrared (IR)signalprocessingofthe X9800 with the ultraviolet (UV) sensor oftheX2200,providing ahigh-speed detection solution forapplicationswherespurious UVradiation sources are typicallypresent. Thisdetectorcan operatein combination mode as a UVIR or ina singlemode as aUV or IR. | | | |
| x9800 Single frequency ir The X9800's dual-infrared (IR)signalprocessingrejectsbackground infraredandmaintain itshigh-speeddetection. It isbestin applicationswhere highlevels of contaminantsarepresent and lowmaintenance isrequired. | | | |
| x2200 Ultraviolet This flame detector's ultraviolet (UV) sensorhastwoalgorithmsettings: one for high-speed and the otherforincreasedfalsealarm rejection. This provides thesameuniquehigh-speedperformace that we have always had inwithourpreviousmodels. Ideal for detectingspecialfireslike metalfires and sulphur. | | | |
| hART® COMMUNICATOR A portable and intrinsically safe handheld communicatorthatmaybeused to configure and test our X-Series Flame Detectorsoranyof ourother HART devices. | | | |
| pm-5mpx dual spectrum ir This dual infrared flame detector is designedtoseebothnonhydrocarbon and hydrocarbon firestypicalinsemiconductorfabrication or gas cabinets. It'ssealedpolypropyleneenclosure issuitable for explosion-proof,classifiedareas. | | | |
| U5005 Smoke Detector U5005 Smoke Detector is a sensitive,yetrugged,state-of-the-artprotection device that is designedforclassifiedareas in hazardousindustrial andcommercialslocations. | | | |
| U5006 Air Duct smoke detector This smoke detector uses the technology of the U5005butismountedinto a fiberglass NEMA 4 enclosure. It isdesignedtodetect thepresence of smoke for the primary purposeofcontrollingblowers anddampers in AC and ventilation systems. | | | |
| Surveillance and Hazard Detection Combine state-of-the-art flame detection withanindustrialgradecamera to monitor hazards and events. The systemcanbe assimple oras complex as required. Your tailoredsurveillancesystemcaninclude real-time viewing, remotemonitoringwithinternetaccessibility, andpre/posteventrecording. | | |