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日期:2025-02-05 07:53

1925年Barton Jones及其合作伙伴創(chuàng)立了Barton

1955 年Barton銷售公司成立,它是一個獨立的商品經銷代理組織,它也分布在各個工業(yè)城市。
1963 年Barton購買了FlowEquipmentCompany,這個公司主要生產positivedisplacementmeters,這種儀表廣泛應用于石油工業(yè)。
1964 Barton Instruments Corporation被國際電報電話公司(ITT)購買。
1998 ITT Barton歸屬于AmericanCommercialHoldings成為BartonInstrumentSystems,LLC,一個獨立的公司,為過程控制工業(yè)生產**測量儀器。


Product Types

Model No.

DPU – Differential Pressure Units

M197A, M224C

Indicators (DPU based)

M226C, M227C, M232C, M247C, M281C, M316C,M450C,1502

Switches (DPU based)

M288C, M290D, M318C, M322, M1512, IT/ITS/IS

Transmitters (Mechanically Actuated)

M752, M753

Sealed Sensor Systems

M305, M350, M422

Pneumatic Transmitters/Controllers

M273C, M284C, M336C, M335P, M335T

Sulphur Analyzers

M286, M342, M407, M408

CryoScan? / DataScan? SP/DP RTUs&Transmitters

CS11, CS20, CS30, CS41, DS11, DS20, DS30, DS41

COX InstrumentsVarious

DP Cone
Orifice Fittings
PD / Mechanical
Custody Transfer Ultrasonic
MVT / RTU / Data Loggers
Flow Computers / Totalizers
Chart Recorders
DP Indicators / Switches
Pneumatic Transmitters
Pilot Operated Safety Relief

Water Cut Analyzers
Product Sampling System
Telemetry System for


Cameron (NYSE:CAM) is a leading provider offlowequipmentproducts, systems and services to worldwide oil, gasandprocessindustries. Leveraging its global manufacturing, salesandservicenetwork, Cameron's 11 operating divisions workwithdrillingcontractors, oil & gas producers, pipelineoperators,refinersand other process owners to control, direct,adjust,process,measure and compress pressures and flows. Thecompanygeneratesannual bookings in excess of $5 billion with morethan16,000employees at more than 250 locations around theworld.Cameron isheadquartered in Houston, Texas and derivesapproximately2/3 ofits business from outside the United States.

Barton Instrument Systems istheEuropeandivision of Cameron International CorporationandservicesCameron's European, Middle Eastern and Africancustomers.Situatedin Bognor Regis, West Sussex, UK, Barton also hasregionalsalesoffices in Aberdeen, Dubai and Algeria and supportsaworldwidenetwork of independent distributors andrepresentatives.Inaddition to the extensive product lines ofNuFloMeasurementSystems, Barton also provides an expanded line offlowand levelmeasurement equipment exclusive to its European andMiddleEastmarkets.
Chart Recorders
Model 199 Differential Pressure Unit

BARTON Differential Pressure Units (DPUs) serve asactuatingunitsfor a wide variety of instruments. All modelsfeaturerupture-proofbellows.

Each DPU consists of a Bellows Unit Assembly (BUA)andremovablepressure housings. Within the BUA, flexible bellowsaresecured toa centerplate. In dual-bellows models, themovablebellows arerigidly connected by a dual valve stem thatpassesthrough thecenterplate. Valve seats, in the centerplatepassage,form a sealwith the valves. Contacting the valve stem inthecenterplate is adrive arm pivoted on the end of a sealedtorquetube. The bellowsis filled with a clean, noncorrosive,low-freezingpoint liquid. Arange spring assembly provides tensionagainstapplied pressures.In operation, pressure is applied to bothsidesof the bellows. Anydifference in pressure causes the bellowstomove until the springeffect (range springs) balances out theforce.The linear motion ofthe bellows (proportional to the DP)istransmitted as a rotarymotion through the torque tube.Indual-bellows units, if thebellows are subjected to a DPgreaterthan the unit’s DP rating, avalve closes and “traps” thefillliquid in the bellows — fullysupporting the bellows andpreventingrupture. Since opposingvalves are used, full protectionis providedin either direction.

Model202EBarton Flow Recorder

BARTON chart recorders are the industry standardforaccurate,reliable measurement and recording ofpressure,differentialpressure, and temperature in a wide varietyofapplications. Inaddition, DP models utilize rupture-proofbellowsDPU as theactuating unit — with features like overrangeprotectionandpulsation dampening (on some models).

The 202E is a 12-inch chart recorder that has been widelyusedingas transmission and distribution fields –accuratecalibration,even under extreme variations in staticpressure andambienttemperatures. The 202E is available in 1 to 4penconfigurations(DP+3 additional pens). The additional pens canbeused to recordtemperature and supplemental pressure data. Theunitis actuated bya BARTON Model 199 DPU, with standard and NACEunitsavailable (upto 6,000 PSI/414 bar SWP) — see DPU bulletin#21700for details.Static pressure and temperature pens are actuatedbyprecisionwound elements.

Model 242E Barton Pressure-Temperature Recorder

BARTON chart recorders are the industry standardforaccurate,reliable measurement and recording ofpressure,differentialpressure, and temperature in a wide varietyofapplications. Inaddition, DP models utilize rupture-proofbellowsDPU as theactuating unit — with features like overrangeprotectionandpulsation dampening (on some models).

The 242E is a 12-inch chart Temperature andPressureRecorder-Receiver designed for general pressureapplications.Whenfunctioning as a recorder-receiver, it uses abellows-typeelementfor pneumatic transmitter or controller input.

ModelJ8ABarton 8" Pressure-Temperature Recorder

BARTON chart recorders are the industry standardforaccurate,reliable measurement and recording ofpressure,differentialpressure, and temperature in a wide varietyofapplications. Inaddition, DP models utilize Barton’srupture-proofbellows DPU asthe actuating unit — with features likeoverrangeprotection andpulsation dampening (on some models).

The J8A is a compact 8-inch chart temperatureandpressurerecorder designed for general pressureapplications.Available as asingle or dual pen unit, it can use anycombinationof pressuremeasuring helical elements or temperaturemeasuringthermalsystems.

Indicators / Switches / Controllers
Models200A& 200AS Differential Pressure Indicator

BARTON indicators are available for a variety ofsafeworkingpressures and differential pressure ranges. They arewidelyusedfor the measurement of differential pressure, flowrate,andliquidlevel applications.

General Features
? Barton DPU Sensor
? NEMA-4/IP65 cases
? Wide Selection of DP Ranges (Including absolute,zero-center,andsplit ranges)
? Pulsation Dampening

Models289A& 291B Differential Pressure Switches

BARTON DP switches are available in a wide variety ofsafeworkingpressures and differential pressure ranges. Widelyusedinapplications that require measurement ofdifferentialpressure,flowrate, and liquid level, they provideaccuracy, narrowdeadband,and repeatability of switch action at setpoint.

General Features
? SWP to 10,000PSI(689bar)
? Barton DPU Sensor/Actuator
? NEMA-4/IP65 and Explosionproof Cases
? Wide Selection of DP Ranges (including absolute,zero-center,andsplit ranges)
? Pulsation Dampening (selected models)

Models274A,335, & 338E Pneumatic Transmitters &Controller

All BARTON Pneumatic Transmitters & Controllersaredesignedtomeet the most stringent and demanding requirements forOil &GasProduction, U.S. Navy Shipboard, and ProcessPlantapplications.

? Actuated by BARTON 199 DPU
? Rugged, Weatherproof, Non-corrosive Case
? Continuous Purging (pilot valve and nozzle exhaust inside)
? Operation Span Continuously Adjustable (100 - 20%)
? Adjustable Suppression (up to 80% of range)
? Large Valve Relays (no need for secondary booster)
? Span Continuously Adjustable (down to 20% of range)
? Air Consumption (at balance condition) 0.05 scfm ma

NuFlo?LiquidTurbine Meters

NuFlo developed its first flowmeter for oilfieldapplicationsin1957. The meter incorporated a tungsten-carbide shaftandbearingto withstand the rugged conditions of theoilfieldenvironment.Over the years, this flowmeter has built anunsurpassedreputationfor withstanding severe punishment whilemaintainingoperationaland measurement integrity.

NuFlo turbine flowmeters indicate flow rate andmeasuretotalthroughput of a liquid line. As liquid flows throughthe meterandover the rotor, the rotor turns at a speed thatisdirectlyproportional to the flow rate. A magnetic pickup sensestherotorblades as they pass and generates an electrical (sinewave)signal.These electrical pulses are then transmitted totheflowmeasurement readout equipment.

Barton?7000Series Liquid Turbine Meters

BARTON 7000 series turbines are designed for a broadrangeofprecise liquid measurement applications. Based on 35yearsofturbine manufacturing, this built-to-order series featuresarangeof sizes, materials, bearing systems and options

General Features
? Linearity — Better than ± 1% of reading over linear flowrangeoffractional size meters. Better than ± 0.25% of readingoverlinearflow range of meters 1’’ size and above.

? Repeatability — ± 0.02% of reading.

? Compact and efficient — Compared to othermeteringtechniques,Barton turbine meters are able to handle alargerflowrate in asmaller meter and with a lower pressure drop.With theuse ofreduced diameter block valves and meterruns,substantialinstalledcost savings are achieved.

? Self-flushing design — longer sustained accuracy.

? High frequency digital output — easy interfacewithdigitalequipment

? Wide rangeability — eliminates parallel runs and the costofextravalves and strainers.

? Symmetrical Bi-directional Design — Ideal forreverseflowapplications,accuracy and flow capacities are thesameineither direction. Electronic options provideinstantaneousflowdirection sensing.

? Wide Temperature & Pressure Ranges —measurementoptionsfor hot hydrocarbon to cryogenicapplications.

? High Quality Bearings — wear resistant tungstencarbidesleevebearings standard on 71xx/73xx metersandself-lubricating,precision stainless steel bearings (drylubricantimpregnated ballseparators on 72xx meters).

? Low mass design — The small lightweight rotor hubsbothensurefast response to process flow changes and reducedbearingload andwear. On meters above two inch (50 mm) the hub iseitherhollow orindented to further reduce the rotating mass.

? Low Maintenance — True fluid thrustdesignhydrodynamicallybalances the rotor during operation. Thisuniquedesign eliminatesthe need for mechanical thrust leveling.This lowfriction designboth improves metering linearity and reduceswearandmaintenance.

? Built-to-order series — features a range ofsizes,materials,bearing systems,and options.

NuFlo?GasTurbine Meters
NUFLO Gas Turbine Flowmeters featureatransducerthat utilizes a lightweight, low inertia rotor tosensegas velocity.It offers an output frequency that has alinearrelationship to gasvelocity over a wide flow range. Themetertracks the flow ratecontinuously, offers little resistance toflowand has a uniquecartridge design that allows removal ofallinternal parts as oneassembly. The meter exhibitslittlesensitivity to gas density abovetwo atmospheres pressure.The lowinertia of the rotor and veebearings allows overranging ofthemeter to twice its rated capacitywithout damage forintermittentflow variations. Designed for maximumlife, carbiderotor shaft andbearings require no lubrication. Thecartridgeassembly makesreplacement and inspection of parts easy.The meteris designed forinstallation between two flanges. Thedigital pulseoutputgenerated by the Gas Turbine Flowmeter can befed tocompanionreadout devices capable of providing directmeasurement offlowrate and accumulated throughput. Thesemeasurements canbeautomatically pressure-and/ortemperature-compensated toobtainvolumetric measurements in standardunits.
Barton?7400Series Custody Transfer Gas Turbine Meters

BARTON 7400 Series Precision Turbine Meters are designedforgasservice in a wide range ofindustrial,commercial,pipeline,andaerospace applications. Becausethe output from thepickup coil isdigital, Barton 7000 Series metersare a perfectmatch forelectronic output devices — no A/D conversionrequired.The rotorresponse is in milliseconds, providing precisemetering inrapidlychanging flow pattern applications.

General Features
High accuracy — custody transferqualitymeasurementswith ±0.2% of flowrate repeatability and asingleK-factorlinearity of better than ±1.0% of reading over flowrange.

? Wide application — metering of gases from oxygen toethylenefornaturalgas production, gas
transmission, petrochemical, transport, aerospace,andpetroleumproduction/refining industries.

? Responsive — a major advantage over other primaryflowdevices.Rotor response in milliseconds
provides precision even in rapidly changing environments.

? High frequency digital output — easy interfacewithdigitalequipment.

? Wide rangeability — depending on the flowinggasdensity,themeter inherently often provides for min to maxflowrange of morethan a 10:1 ratio. Rangeability is extended withtheaddition ofoptional linearizing electronics.

? Symmetrical bi-directional design — ideal forreverseflowapplications, accuracy and flow capacities are the sameineitherdirection. Electronic options provide instantaneousflowdirectionsensing.

? Wide temperature and pressure ranges —flexiblemeasurementoptions.

? Compact and efficient — compared to otherPrecisionmeteringtechniques, Barton turbine meters are able tohandle alargerflowrate in a smaller meter and at a lower pressuredrop.With theuse of reduced diameter block valves and meterruns,substantialinstallation cost savings are achieved.

? Low maintenance — sealed self-lubricating bearingsfeatureamaintenance free 10-year design life.

? Integral pressure tap — precisely positionedtoaccommodatepressure measurement at the turbine meter.

MC-III?EXPFlow Analyzer
For state-of-the art liquid andgasmeasurementwith data logging and Modbus communications inaneasy-to-useexplosion-proof totalizer, nothing compares withtheNUFLO MC-IIIEXP Flow Analyzer. The MC-III EXP stores more flowlogsanddownloads them faster than any other flow analyzer onthemarket.This powerhouse records up to 384 daily flow logs,768hourly logs,345 event logs and downloads them to your computerviaModbus inless than a minute!
The MC-II Flow Analyzerprovidesseparate,continuous digital displays of flow rate andaccumulatedflow basedon input from a turbine flowmeter. The lowcurrentconsumption ofits liquid crystal displays and CMOSmicroprocessorbased circuitryenable years of dependable performancefrom a singlelithiumbattery. Typical battery life is 3 to 5 years.Totalizerreadingscan be made in any desired volumetric units, andflow ratescan bemeasured in units per second, minute, hour, or day.Rate andtotalare quickly and easily calibrated using the keypad onthefront ofthe MC-II. The instrument is suitable foroutdoorinstallation andrequires no additional protection from theweather.The unit may bemounted directly on the turbine meter orattachedremotely.
MC-IIPlusEXP Flow Analyzer
The NUFLO MC-II Plus EXP Flow providesamorerobust option for calculating and displayinginstantaneousflowrates and accumulated totals based on a turbineflow meterinputsignal. It combines ease-of-use and functionalityfor atrulyuser-friendly totalizer. The liquid crystaldisplaysimultaneouslydisplays seven-digit totals and six-digitrates, aswell as aselection of commonly used engineering units forrate andvolume.The calibration is implemented by entering thecalibrationfactorof the flow meter and selecting the desired unitsofmeasurement.It automatically calculates its own divisor. It isthatsimple. Iteven lets you input gas calculation parametersandselfcalculatesthe calibration factor for gas in standardcubicfeet. The uniquecombination of inputs and outputsallowsflexibility of use in thefield. The MC-II Plus EXP FlowAnalyzerconnects to a turbine meterusing quick disconnects. Ittakes theturbine meter signal directlyin, without the use ofpreamplifiers.A remote reset input allowsthe total to be clearedfrom a remotecomputer. The user can selecteither a 4-20 mA outputor anamplified flow meter frequency outputwhich may be used byremoteequipment to calculate flow rates andvolume. This explosionproofinstrument is an all-in-oneinstrument. It is truly thenextgeneration of the MC-II.
MC-IIPlusWP Flow Analyzer

The MC-II Plus WP Flow Analyzer is a weatherproofinstrumentwhichprovides a continuous display of instantaneous flowrateandaccumulated total volume of liquid or gas based on aturbineflowmeter input signal. It combines ease-of-use andfunctionalityfor atruly user friendly flow analyzer.

The liquid crystal display simultaneouslydisplaysseven-digittotals and six-digit flow rates, as well as aselectionof commonlyused engineering units for rate and volume.Thecalibration isimplemented by entering the calibration factor oftheflow meterand selecting the desired units of measurement.Itautomaticallycalculates its own divisor. When used with agasturbine meter, youinput gas calculation parameters and theflowanalyzerself-calculates the calibration factor for gas instandardcubicfeet. The unique combination of inputs andoutputsallowsflexibility of use in the field. The MC-II Plus WPFlowAnalyzerconnects to a turbine meter using quick disconnects.Ittakes theturbine meter signal directly in, without the useofpreamplifiers.A remote reset input allows the volume to beclearedvia a remotecomputer. The user can select either a 4- 20 mAoutputor anamplified flow meter frequency output to feed toremoteequipment.

MC-IIPlusPanel Mount
The MC-II Plus Panel Mount FlowAnalyzerisdesigned for use in applications where one or moreinstrumentsmayeasily be mounted into an existing control panel.Thisinstrumentprovides a continuous display of instantaneous flowrateandaccumulated total volume of liquid or gas based on aturbineflowmeter input signal. It combines ease-of-use andfunctionalityfor atruly user-friendly flow analyzer.
MC-IIPlusPortable Rate Meter

The MC-II Plus Portable Rate Meter is aportablereadoutinstrument which provides a continuous display offlow rateandtotal volume of liquids and gases. Since it uses thesameadvancedcircuitry of the rest of the MC-II Plus familyofinstruments, itshares many of the same features.

Being portable, it can be transported to multiplefieldlocationsto verify proper operation of turbine flow meters ofanysize. Whenconnected to a NUFLO Turbine Flowmeter, the MC-IIPlusRate Meterbecomes an accurate system for the display ofcurrentflow rate andtotal volume.

The Flo-IIIinstrument’smenu-drivenconfiguration software
offers a flexible choice of outputs including:

? Uncompensated volume rate (analog or digital output)
? Corrected volume rate (analog output)
? Mass rate (analog output)
? Temperature (analog output)
? Density (analog output)
? Volume total (analog output)
? Corrected volume total (analog or digital output)
? Mass total (analog or digital output)
The MC-RTU flow analyzerprovidescontinuousdigital display of flow rate and total flow ofliquids orgases.When combined with a NUFLO Turbine flow meter,selected foraparticular application, the MC-RTU becomes an accurateflowratemeter and flow totalizer. Low powermicroprocessortechnologyprovides the MC-RTU with long life andreliability.Easilyprogrammable using the front four-wide keypad,the MC-RTU canbeprogrammed to display a wide variety of total flowand flowratevolumetric units. Two types of packaging and mountingoptionsareavailable to suit many different applications includingoutdoorandhazardous locations.
HFC-RTUFrequencyConverter (Analog Output)

The HFC-RTU Frequency Converter is designedtoprovidetransmission of flow meter information from remotemountedturbineflow meters to readout equipment.

The Model HFC-RTU is specifically designed for aturbineflowmeter and mounts directly on top of the flow meter. Itreceivesitssignal from the magnetic pickup and transmits a 4 – 20mAanalogsignal representing the flow rate of the meter. Theanalogsignaltravels on the same pair of wires that powertheinstrument.Adjustment potentiometers are provided for theinputsignalsensitivity, zero setting, and span setting. Rangeselectionismade via plug-in capacitors making calibrationandfieldadjustments extremely simple. The Model HFC-RTU is DCpoweredfrom12 to 30 VDC, depending upon the loop load resistance(seeLoadResistance vs. Power Supply). As such, the HFC-RTU canbeuseddirectly with most field RTU’s and computerapplicationsprovidingfor noise immune transmission of turbine flowmeterinformation.

TMP-100PulseDivider Circuit
The Model TMP-100 is designed to provideapulseoutput representing a user- defined unit volume fromaremotemounted turbine meter. This output may be interfacedtoRTU’s,totalizers, or field computers. The TMP-100isspecificallydesigned for turbine flow meters and is to bemountedin a usersupplied weatherproof enclosure or controlroomenvironment. TheTMP-100 receives its signal from themagneticpickup and with adivisor range 1 to 524,287, provides apulseoutput representing aunit volume over a wide range ofapplications.An adjustablepotentiometer is provided for the inputsignalsensitivity.19-position divisor dip switches makecalibrationextremely simple.

Turbine flow meters  provide remote readings;however,noisyenvironments can cause erroneous or false readings attheremoteterminals. The easily-installed NUFLO LowPowerPre-Amplifier helpssolve the problem of noise when shieldedsignalcables cannoteffectively eliminate them. Electrical noisecancause erroneousreadings when the noise level equals or exceedsthemeter outputsignal amplitude, which generally is very low(inmillivolts). Theremote reading unit might also record noiseassignal output whenthe flow meter is not transmitting.

The Low Power Pre-Amplifier raises the turbine flowmetersignallevel at the metering point to a relatively high levelsignal(6-8volts). Thus, the receiver can discriminate betweensignalandnoise and register only true signals at the remotelocation.Theflow meter transmits its low level signal through apairofconductors to a remote reading unit. Shielded signalcablescanhelp keep noise out of this system or reduce thenoiselevel.However, a high noise level or the length of thetransmissioncablecan make shielding ineffective. The preamplifierhelpseliminatenoise problems in these instances.

Barton?818Pre Amp

Scanner?1150Flow Computer
The NUFLO Scanner 1150 FlowComputercombinesefficiency and versatility in a low-power,single-streamgasmeasurement device. Its easy-to-use laptopinterface andindustrystandard communication protocol makeconfiguration,measurement,and reporting simple, accurate, andreliable. Theon-board LCDprovides on-site viewing of user-definableparameters,while fulldata access is available on its communicationsports. TheScanner1150 provides audit trail data that is maintainedinbattery-backedSRAM. A PDA option allows operators to downloadlogfiles and viewdata on site without a laptop. The PDAsoftware,available free ofcharge from NuFlo, even allows operatorsto verifyand changeorifice plate sizes and gas constituents. AnEnron Modbusfirmwareand software option makes the Scanner 1150easier tointegrate withSCADA systems.
The MVX-II Multi-Variable Transmitterisalow-power, durable, field-hardened transmitter intendedforgasmeasurement. It provides a highly accuratemeasurementsolutionwhen used in combination with the NUFLO Scanner1150, orany of theflow computers in the NUFLO Scanner and 332productfamilies. Itseasy-to-use laptop interface and industrystandardcommunicationprotocol make configuration, measurement,andreporting simple,accurate, and reliable.
Scanner1140Single Stream Measurement RTU
The Scanner 1140 is a single anddualstreammeasurement RTU designed specifically to provideflowmonitoringand control for oil and gas gathering andproductionoperations.Featuring a full range of operatorconfigurable mass,energy, andvolume algorithms, the Scanner 1140simplifies theprocess ofcollecting, processing and transmittingdata.
Scanner1131Dual/Multi Stream EFM/RTU
This functionally andcomputationallysuperiorEFM/RTU provides custody transfermeasurement data andcontrolfunctions to production, transmissionanddistributionmarkets.  Powerful, fast, and flexible,the Scanner 1131reduces operation costs and maximizes profitsbyproviding accurateinformation for monitoring, measurement,andcontrol of yournatural gas or hydrocarbon liquid process. Toaccommodatecost effective operations in both hazardous andgeneralpurposeareas, the Scanner 1131 is offered in field mount andrackmountconfigurations.

Field Mount
– designed specifically for Class 1Division1and
Division 2 hazardous areas adjacent to pipeline or production
equipment. Housed in a weather prooffiberglassreinforcedplastic
enclosure, the unit can be either wall or pipemounted.Solarpanel
charges a sealed, air transportable, gelled,lead-acidbatteryensuring
an intrinsically safe, low powered operating system.

Rack Mount
– designed for generalpurposeapplications,requires
conventional 24 VDC power and can be mounted inanynonhazardous
ScanWinUserInterface/Configuration Software
By combining the flexibility andpowerofelectronic measurement technology with the ease andfamiliarityofthe basic chart recorder, Cameron has enhanced andsimplifiedtheprocess of configuring and communicating withremoteEFM/RTUs.Using the familiar Windows-based platform, ScanWinPROusesfunctional “wizards” to guide operators through theprocessesofsetting up hardware, low runs, controllers, and primarydevicesaswell as collecting hardware, system and flow run data.
ScanPLC User Programmable Software

ScanPLC is a firmware-based enhancement to NuFlo'sScannerRTUs,enabling a customer to merge their processapplicationknowledgewith NuFlo's measurement and control expertise.UsingISaGRAF'ssoftware environment, our latest automationtooleffectively addsfull- function programmability to aScanner'sconfigurablesimplicity.

ScanPLC consists of a software based run-time module,embeddedina Scanner's program memory. The run-time module executesacustomerspecified program, resulting in limitless functionalityforaScanner's input and output channels. With this addeddiversity,aScanner can now be programmed for applications thatrange fromsteaminjection control to natural gas well de-wateringandproductionoptimization routines.

Our Application Workbench provides the integratorapowerful,intuitive, Windows? based tool for developingcustomizedScannerprograms. With an understanding of any of five IEC61131compliantprogramming languages, a programmer can write,compile andload aprogram with our Application Workbench, thenseamlessly viewandconfigure the finished product with NuFlo'sScanWin?graphicalinterface. ScanPLC is simply the mostadvancedproductivity toolavailable!

The MVX-II Multi-Variable Transmitterisalow-power, durable, field-hardened transmitter intendedforgasmeasurement. It provides a highly accuratemeasurementsolutionwhen used in combination with the NUFLO Scanner1150, orany of theflow computers in the NUFLO Scanner and 332productfamilies. Itseasy-to-use laptop interface and industrystandardcommunicationprotocol make configuration, measurement,andreporting simple,accurate, and reliable.
The MVX-II Multi-Variable Transmitterisalow-power, durable, field-hardened transmitter intendedforgasmeasurement. It provides a highly accuratemeasurementsolutionwhen used in combination with the NUFLO Scanner1150, orany of theflow computers in the NUFLO Scanner and 332productfamilies. Itseasy-to-use laptop interface and industrystandardcommunicationprotocol make configuration, measurement,andreporting simple,accurate, and reliable.
The NuFlo ECR Flow Computer isalow-power,durable, field hardened single-stream flowcomputerintended forgas measurement.
GFC-332GasFlow Computer
The NuFlo GFC-332 Gas Flow Computeroffersthelatest technology in gas and liquid measurement.TheGFC-332incorporates the most recent developments inorificemeasurementand turbine flow meter measurement to providetheflexibility andfunctionality required in today'selectronicmeasurementapplications.
NOA-332NetOil Analyzer
The NOA-332 Net Oil Analyzer isanelectronicreadout instrument designed for use with a productionortestseparator to measure and record quantities of producedoil,waterand gas. The NOA-332 may be used with two-phaseorthree-phaseseparators. A watercut sensor placed in the oilemulsionline anddetermines the percentage of water in the oil,oftenreferred to aspercent BS&W. Flow meter and emulsionsignals areread tentimes a second and volumes calculated once asecondallowing theNOA-332 to determine volumes more accurately thanRTUs,PLCs, orother computing devices. The NOA-332 has threeselectableoperatingmodes (timed well test, cycled well test, andcontinuouswell test)and allows the operator to program up tosixty-four (64)well namesin memory. All well test data isassociated to the wellname makingwell test accounting simple.
The NUFLO Series 1000 Watercut Monitor isasolidstate electronic instrument that determines thepercentwatercut inan oil emulsion without requiring thephysicalseparation of thefluids. The capacitance probe techniqueemployedby the WatercutMonitor allows the emulsion stream tobecontinuously surveyed. Thefrequency generated by thecapacitanceprobe oscillator is determinedby the watercut of theemulsionstream in the probe. The WatercutMonitor compensates forthenon-linear relationship between frequencyand watercut bystrictlydigital techniques. The result is a 4-20mAoutput signalwhichvaries linearly with watercut. The 4-20mA outputof theWatercutMonitor may be a completely floating signal becauseof theuse ofoptoisolation circuitry. This mode of operationrequirestheoptional isolating power supply board or the use oftwoexternalpower supplies. The Watercut Monitor may be operatedwith asingleexternal power supply if a floating output signal isnotrequired.

True Cut "C" Series Samplers

C-Series Probe
The C-Seriesisokineticinlinesampling probe requires neither air nor hydraulicstocapturesamples. Rather, the probe is actuated by anelectricalpulse from acontroller, and uses existing pipelinepressure tofill the samplechamber with product. When the probe isactuated, asample chamberopens, allowing process fluid to flowthrough thechamber. As thewindow rotates, the sample is capturedin itsnatural state and fedby pipeline pressure to a receptacle.Byensuring that the processfluid is well-mixed and homogenouspriorto sampling, and using asampling process that collects thesampledirectly from the flowstream without changing the linearvelocityor direction of flow, thecustomer is assured of obtainingarepresentative sample.

Sample Probe Controller
The CDSeriesSampleProbe Controller controls the sampling frequency of CSeriessampleprobes. CD Series controllers are equipped with aninternal9- VDCmotor that rotates the sample probe 180° betweensample“grabs.”This design allows the C Series Sample Probe to takeasample witheach 180° rotation. While the controller canbepurchased without asample probe, it is useful only whenpairedwith a C-Series SampleProbe. The controllers are easilyattachedto the sample probe inthe pipeline and require no othermountinghardware. CD Seriescontrollers are available in fourdifferentconfigurations forcontrolling the sampling process withpulsecounts, timing, orpacing from a computer or PLC. Oneconfigurationcan be used totrigger an alarm to signal a loss ofpower, loss ofinput signal ormotor failure. The control cards inCD-20 A andCD-30 A controllerseach have four switches, which can beenabledto “read” flow interms of pulse counts or time (seconds).

The CD-20 B controller is most often used where PLCsorcomputersare used to pace the controller. This unit enablesonesample perpulse from a pre-scaled source. The CD-20 Balsoprovides anelectronic output signal to allow samples to becountedremotely orto verify motor rotation. The CD-20 SFA has theaddedfeature of adry contact for a controller failure alarm. Analarmis activated ifa sample command is not received within apresetperiod of time, themotor has not rotated within a presetperiod oftime, and/or poweris lost to the unit.

Installation Accessories
When apipelineisproperly fitted with a 2-in. ball valve and a U- 22unionadapter,the C Series Sample Probe can be safely installed inapipeline orremoved from a pipeline, even under pressure, withanA-3 sampleprobe retriever. A pressure equalizing valve (PEV)and/orLA-22line adapter may also be required in a C-Seriesprobeinstallation.

TrueCutLS-1 Simultaneous Fill System

Many critical applications for sampling systemsrequireredundantor back-up verifications of quality orindependentanalysis of aseparate sample cylinder. True Cut? LS-1(SF) systemsare designedto fill two or more cylinderssimultaneously. Everytime this unitis activated, each cylinderreceives one sample.These units areoften used in gasoline blendingfacilities, but arecapable ofoperating in any light hydrocarbon. Aswith mostsampling systems,these units are designed for“proportional toflow” sampling andprovide repeatable sample grabsizes as well ascomplete purgecycles.

TrueCutE-24 Batch Sampler Controller

The True Cut? Model E-24 Batch Sample Controller isdesignedforproportional-to-flow, batch or time sampling. Theoperatorcanenter parameters via manual switches or downloadviaanRS-232/RS-485 Communication Loop. The controller provideslocalorremote display of flow rate, total flow (barrels, gallons,orcubicmeters), and total number of samples taken.

The unit's standard features include:
? Alarms
? Sample modes (flow, batch and time)
? Test mode
? Explosion-proof or weather-proof enclosures

TrueCutCD Series Sampler Drive

C-Series Probe
The C-Seriesisokineticinlinesampling probe requires neither air nor hydraulicstocapturesamples. Rather, the probe is actuated by anelectricalpulse from acontroller, and uses existing pipelinepressure tofill the samplechamber with product. When the probe isactuated, asample chamberopens, allowing process fluid to flowthrough thechamber. As thewindow rotates, the sample is capturedin itsnatural state and fedby pipeline pressure to a receptacle.Byensuring that the processfluid is well-mixed and homogenouspriorto sampling, and using asampling process that collects thesampledirectly from the flowstream without changing the linearvelocityor direction of flow, thecustomer is assured of obtainingarepresentative sample.

Sample Probe Controller
The CDSeriesSampleProbe Controller controls the sampling frequency of CSeriessampleprobes. CD Series controllers are equipped with aninternal9- VDCmotor that rotates the sample probe 180° betweensample“grabs.”This design allows the C Series Sample Probe to takeasample witheach 180° rotation. While the controller canbepurchased without asample probe, it is useful only whenpairedwith a C-Series SampleProbe. The controllers are easilyattachedto the sample probe inthe pipeline and require no othermountinghardware. CD Seriescontrollers are available in fourdifferentconfigurations forcontrolling the sampling process withpulsecounts, timing, orpacing from a computer or PLC. Oneconfigurationcan be used totrigger an alarm to signal a loss ofpower, loss ofinput signal ormotor failure. The control cards inCD-20 A andCD-30 A controllerseach have four switches, which can beenabledto “read” flow interms of pulse counts or time (seconds).

The CD-20 B controller is most often used where PLCsorcomputersare used to pace the controller. This unit enablesonesample perpulse from a pre-scaled source. The CD-20 Balsoprovides anelectronic output signal to allow samples to becountedremotely orto verify motor rotation. The CD-20 SFA has theaddedfeature of adry contact for a controller failure alarm. Analarmis activated ifa sample command is not received within apresetperiod of time, themotor has not rotated within a presetperiod oftime, and/or poweris lost to the unit.

Installation Accessories
When apipelineisproperly fitted with a 2-in. ball valve and a U- 22unionadapter,the C Series Sample Probe can be safely installed inapipeline orremoved from a pipeline, even under pressure, withanA-3 sampleprobe retriever. A pressure equalizing valve (PEV)and/orLA-22line adapter may also be required in a C-Seriesprobeinstallation.

TrueCutCS-1 Sampler
The True Cut CSSamplercapturesproportion-to-flow samples of flowing liquids inasimple,cost-effective operation. The sampler body containsanaccumulatorchamber for collecting the sample, a 1/4-in.sampleinlet port, anda solenoid valve actuator. When a flowmeterormeasurement controlsystem sends an electrical pulse to thesolenoidvalve, the CSaccumulation chamber connects to the flowstream, andtheinstrument obtains a sample. When the samplerisde-energized,typically after 1.5 to 2 seconds, the sampleisdischarged into thesample receptacle. The CS Sampler isavailablein two pressureranges to meet a wide range ofapplications. Theinstrument is easyto install and easy to maintain.Various timersfor controlling CSsamplers are also available.
The LGS-1500 Sampling System isanelectronicsample controller with an integral liquid/gassamplepump. Forliquid service, the sampler is pneumaticallyoperated byacustomer-supplied air source. For gas service, aninternalpressureregulator rated for the full range of pipelinepressureprotectsthe sampler from pressure spiking. The samplertransferssamplesinto a vented sample receptacle or apressure-balancedpistoncylinder. A block valve manifold allows easyconnection toprocesspiping, including fast-loop connections, andincludes twoneedlevalves to isolate the sampler from processpiping. Thecontrollerautomates the sampling process and is easilyconfiguredto operateas a timer or a pulse counter toallowproportional-to-time orproportional-to-volume sampling.
TrueCutCirculation Systems

Circulation Systems
TrueCutCirculatingSystems allow operators to collect, store, and mixcrudeoil andother low-pressure sampled product in asinglereceptacle,minimizing the loss of light ends. Designed foruse witha True Cut“C” Series Sampler, a True Cut circulatingsystemconsists of astationary sample receptacle, anintegrated,skid-mounted gear pumpand a motorized circulating andmixingsystem. These systems arewell suited for supporting LACTunits,pipeline sampling,truckloading/discharge, refinerysampling,shiploading/discharge,and production platform sampling.Thesystems’ large-capacityreceptacles are ideal for longsamplingperiods. Two models theCMC-500 and the CMC-250 offer theoperator aselection ofreceptacle designs.

TrueCutPortable "R" Series Sample Receptacles
These stainless steel samplereceptaclesaredesigned for safe handling of all petroleum products.
M20-3LaboratoryMixing Systems

Circulation Systems
TrueCutCirculatingSystems allow operators to collect, store, and mixcrudeoil andother low-pressure sampled product in asinglereceptacle,minimizing the loss of light ends. Designed foruse witha True Cut“C” Series Sampler, a True Cut circulatingsystemconsists of astationary sample receptacle, anintegrated,skid-mounted gear pumpand a motorized circulating andmixingsystem. These systems arewell suited for supporting LACTunits,pipeline sampling,truckloading/discharge, refinerysampling,shiploading/discharge,and production platform sampling.Thesystems’ large-capacityreceptacles are ideal for longsamplingperiods. Two models theCMC-500 and the CMC-250 offer theoperator aselection ofreceptacle designs.

Designed for accurate and highpressuremeteringof high viscosity liquids at economic prices.

Single and Dual Chamber Orifice Fittings
Model4042Single and Model 4055 Dual Chamber Orifice Fittings

The NuFlo Single Chamber Orifice Fitting is designed foruseininstallations in which the line can be depressurized tochangeorinspect the orifice plate.

The NuFlo Single Chamber Orifice Fitting* is designed foruseininstallations in which the line can be depressurized tochangeorinspect the orifice plate. Economical and light-weight,theSingleChamber features a simplicity of design with a minimumnumberofparts. A quick and easy method for removing orificeplatesreducesshutdown time to a minimum. The interchangeability oftheorificeplates and retainers between the NuFlo Dual ChamberandSingleChamber Orifice Fittings also provides an economyininventoryrequirements. Single Chamber Orifice Fittingsareavailable inflangeweld, weldneck, and flanged types. AllNuFloSingle ChamberOrifice Fittings meet AGA/API Specifications.Twosets of 1/2’’N.P.T. flange taps are provided on all singleChamberOrificeFittings. They are available in 2’’, 3’’, and 4’’sizes forSweet,Sour, Nace, and Low Temperature Applications.

NuFlo Dual Chamber Orifice Fittings are compact,streamlinedandrugged featuring a simple and rapid method forchangingorinspecting orifice plates under pressure.

NuFlo Dual Chamber Orifice Fittings are compact,streamlinedandrugged featuring a simple and rapid method forchangingorinspecting orifice plates under pressure. Theorificefittingsfeature a ball type construction for opening andclosing"without"a complicated gear mechanism. The uniqueconstructionincorporatinga ball closure with spring-loaded,self-lubricating,Moly-filledTeflon? floating seals eliminates anyneed forperiodiclubrication. All NuFlo Orifice Fittings aremanufacturedinaccordance with ANSI, AGA/API and ASTM Standards andavailablein2", 3", 4" and 6" sizes.

Model5030Single Chamber Orifice Fittings
With the increasingmeasurementaccuracyachievable with today’s flow computers, theimportance ofaccuracyin primary measurement equipment like orificeplates hasreached anew level of emphasis. Frequent inspection oforificeplates isnecessary to ensure the plates are in a conditionthatwill ensurea high level of measurement accuracy.The CLIFMOCK Model5030 Orifice Fitting reduces the timeand cost ofinspecting andchanging orifice plates, and helps ensurethat thebore is properlycentered in the meter tube. Thesingle-chamberdesign makesinstalling and removing the orifice platequick andeasy bycombining the orifice carrier and sealing bar inoneassembly. Byremoving four bolts and a clamping bar, the usercanpull theassembly from the fitting, replace the orifice plateandreinsertthe assembly into the fitting in a matter ofminutes.Additionally,with no flange bolts to remove and no flangestospread, the riskof fluid loss from the pipeline is eliminated.

Meter Runs
Model4042Single and Model 4055 Dual Chamber Meter Runs

The meter runs are fabricated by trainedmanufacturingpersonnelwith complete facilities for machining,welding, gaugingandinspection. This produces a product with qualityandmeteringaccuracy not possible with field-fabricated units.Allmeter runsare factory-aligned and welded with specialequipmentthatguarantees a straight, smooth meter run withoutdefects.Standardlengths meet AGA/API requirements.

Accessory Products

Two basic styles of Orifice Plates are available:

Type 500 Universal for use in Orifice FittingsandRing-JointPlate Holders, and Type 520 Paddle Type for useinOrifice Flanges.Specific tolerances which apply to allNuFloOrifice Plates are asfollows:
? Edges — Square and sharp, will not reflect a beam oflightwhenviewed without magnification.

? Finish — 20 micro-inch roughness

? Flatness — Flat within 0.010 inches, per inch of damheight(damheight = pipe diameter minus orifice diameter, dividedby 2)

? Bore — Orifice bore tolerance in strict accordance withAGAGasMeasurement Committee Report latest edition, ASMEFluidMetersCommittee Report and Measurement Canada.

? Design — Normal stocked items are the standard designusedinall industries. Special designs are available on request.

? Sizes — Orifice Plates have been furnished in linesizesfrom1/2-inch to 36 inches. All standard line sizes, 2-inchto8-inchare available from stock. Larger plates up to 60 incheslinesizeavailable upon request.

? Optional — Vent or drain holes. Available at timeoforder.Gasket finished plates are also available at time of order.


The use of straightening vanes in meter runs serves atwofold
? The turbulence often created in a complex pipingsystemisstraightened and smoothed to a normal flow pattern.

? The amount of straight pipe required preceding anorificeisreduced. NuFlo offers both flanged and pintypestraighteningvanes.
Vanes are available with carbon steel, 304 or 316stainlesssteeltubing welded together and securely attached into themeterrun.All tubes are parallel, with an internal chamfer on bothends,notless than 50% of wall thickness by 45 degrees, The tubesarereamedas thin as is practical at both ends and are constructedsoas tominimize the possibility of vibration.

Start Up Screens
NuFlo Start-up Cone Strainers are used as temporaryprotectionforcompressors, valves and other in-line equipment fromdebris,slag,etc. that is usually present in piping systemsduringconstructionand start-up

Spectacle Blinds
Also called Figure 8 Blanks, these blinds have one solid endandoneopen end connected by a web or tie bar. StandardconstructionisA516- G70 steel machined with a gasket spiral finishandmanufacturedto meet API 590. Also available in other flangetypes(RTJ & FlatFace), other materials (304SS, 316SS,410SS,Duplex, Hastelloy?,Monel & Chrome Moly) and other microfinishflange finishes.

Single Blinds and Ring Spacers
Standard construction is A516-G70 steel machined withagasketspiral finish and manufactured to meet API 590.Alsoavailable inother thicknesses, flange types, materials andflangefinishes.

Bleed Rings
Standard construction is 1-1/2’’ thick A516-G70 steelmachinedwitha gasket spiral finish and having one 1/2’’ or 3/4’’NPTdrilled andtapped bleed connection (1-1/2’’ thick). Alsoavailablein othersizes, connection types, thicknesses, pressureratings,flangetypes, materials and flange finishes.

Pilot-OperatedSafetyRelief Valves
In the mid-1940s, a new reliefvalveactuatedwith a pilot rather than a spring set a new standardforpressurecontrol.  The valve, manufactured over the yearsbycompanieslike Garrett, USI, Axelson, and NUFLO, is nowmanufacturedand soldby Cameron's Measurement Systems division. TheNuFlopilot-operatedpressure relief valve is an example of atradition ofadvanceddesign and high-quality manufacturingabilities. Thesevalves offeradvantages not found in other reliefvalves - spring orpilotoperated.
Type HF
This is a full lift, pop-action valvewithafixed (5% to 7%) blowdown using a single non-flowingpilot.Thistype valve is designed for gas and/or vapor service andisofferedin sizes of 1" through 8" with operation pressuresrangingfrom 25psig to 6000 psig.
Type HL
This is a modulating opening valve withafixed(2% to 5%) blowdown using a single non-flowing pilot.Thisvalve isdesigned for gas, vapor and/or liquid service andisoffered insizes of 1" through 8" with operating pressuresrangingfrom 15psig to 1500 psig.
