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日期:2025-02-06 09:05

航天控制/Neo-Dyn公司(Aerospace Controls / Neo -Dyn)生產可靠的高品質燃料閥、液壓閥、氣動閥和電磁閥,閥執(zhí)行器,商用、**與航天用壓力、溫度、流量與限位開關。Conoflow公司設計與制造高、低壓調節(jié)器,過濾調節(jié)器、專用調節(jié)器、位置控制器、傳感器、執(zhí)行器和膜片密封,有各種材料與型式,適合各種應用。

Regulators, Actuators, Transducers, Positioners andDiaphragm Seals from ITT Conoflow.

We design and manufacture natural gasvehicle (NGV), low pressure and high pressure regulators, filterregulators, specialty regulators, positioners, transducers,actuators and diaphragm seals in a wide variety of materials andconfigurations to meet a broad range of applications.

Please select from the products options below.


Natural Gas Vehicle (NGV)

Low Pressure

High Pressure




Natural Gas Vehicle Regulators, NGV Regulatorsand CNG Regulators from ITT Conoflow:

Conoflow Series HPNGV2

High Pressure/Heavy Duty Series Natural Gas VehicleRegulators

The ITT Conoflow HPNGV Series Fuel Regulator has earned a reputation for world class reliability and performance. Over a decade of service in the most demanding applications has proven the HPNGV Regulator is the choice for OEM vehicle, engine and fuel systems. Certified to ECE R110, the HPNGV Regulator is proven to be a safe and reliable pressure control element.

? Read the HPNGV2 Datasheet

Conoflow Series LDNGV

Light Duty Series Natural Gas Vehicle Regulators

The NEW Light Duty NGV Regulator (LDNGV Regulator) incorporates the same robust design and manufacturing practices as the HPNGV series NGV Regulator, and offers improvements in function and value for smaller engine applications. This regulator provides the market with a Durable, Stable, Predictable and Repeatable regulator for smaller fuel injected NGV engine (to 5.0 liter displacement) applications.
Low Pressure, Pressure Reducing and VacuumRegulators from ITT Conoflow:

FR95 Series Airpak? Filter-Regulator by Conoflow

Conoflow's FR95Series Airpak?, Filter-Regulator is used to provide clean, accurateair to instruments, valves, positioners, transducers and otherpneumatic control devices. This units design provides high flowcapability, durable materials of construction and bubble tightshut-off.

? Read the FR95Datasheet  


GFH25XT1767 IEEE Qualified Airpak? Filter-Regulator byConoflow

Conoflow's modelGFH25XT1767*_Airpak? has been qualified in accordance with therequirements of IEEE 323-1974 and the recommended practices of IEEE344-1975. The test program included Thermal Aging, Radiation Aging,Wear Aging, Seismic Qualification and Steam Line Break Testing. Fordetails of test conditions, please consult the factory.

? Read theGFH25XT Datasheet  


GFH45/GFH75/GFH76 Airpak? Filter-Regulator by Conoflow

Conoflow’s GFHSeries Airpak? Filter-Regulators are widely used to provide clean,regulated air pressure to instruments and controls, automaticmachinery and other pneumatic devices.

? Read theGFH45/GFH75/GFH76 Datasheet  


GFX02/GFX04 Series Filters by Conoflow

Conoflow’s GFXSeries Filters are used to provide clean air to instruments andother pneumatic devices. The 35 micron filter removes foreignparticles from the air allowing intermediate and final controldevices to operate at peak efficiency.

? Read theGFX02/GFX04 Datasheet  


GH04 Series Cushion Loading Regulator by Conoflow

Themodel GH04 Cushion Loading Regulator is a compact unit designed forindustrial and commercial services requiring a constant, regulatedair pressure. Primarily used as a cushion loading device forConoflow Piston Actuators, this unit’s design and high exhaustcapabilities lend itself to many other applicationrequirements.

? Read the GH04Datasheet  


GH10/GPG Series Manual Loading Regulators by Conoflow

Conoflow’s GH10Manual Loading Regulators are precision units designed for use inlaboratory environments, remote loading of pneumatic devices, speedchangers and other general purpose applications.

? Read theGH10/GPH Series Datasheet  


GH20, GH40, GH24 & GH25 Series Service & PressureReducing Regulators by Conoflow

Conoflow’s Service(GH20 Series) and Pressure Reducing (GH24/25 Series) Regulators arerugged units with flow capacities and performance characteristicswhich allow the units to operate in both instrument and industrialapplications. For applications where positive shut-off and minimumair consumption are required, the soft-seated nozzle GH40 versionsare available.

? Read theGH20, GH40, GH24 & GH25 Series Datasheet  


GH20VT/GH28VT Series Vacuum Regulators by Conoflow

Conoflow’s VacuumRegulators are designed to accurately regulate the sub-atmosphericpressure of a vessel being evacuated. These units are especiallysuited for laboratory work and test stands for simulation of highaltitude conditions.

? Read theGH20VT/GH28VT Series Datasheet  


GH21 & GDH21 Series Differental Pressure Regulators byConoflow

Conoflow’sDifferential Pressure Regulators are used to maintain a constantpressure differential across a variable or fixed orifice, providinga constant flow rate regardless of variations in upstream ordownstream pressure. Various forms of differential pressureregulators are available.

? Read the GH21& GDH21 Series Datasheet  


GH22 Series Ratio or Flow Boosting Relay by Conoflow

TheConoflow GH22 Series Relay is used to boost, amplify or reduce thepneumatic signal of a controller or similar instrument in apredetermined ratio. Using an independent supply pressure forgreater flow volume, the unit relays an instrument signal to afinal control element such as a valve actuator.

? Read the GH22Datasheet  


GH30 Series Back Pressure Regulator by Conoflow

TheConoflow Series GH30 Back Pressure Regulator is used to maintain aconstant upstream pressure of gas, vapor or liquid. Designed foraccurate regulation under low flow conditions, these units arewidely used for protection of analysis instrumentation or as arelief valve in supply pressure lines to control devices.

? Read the GH30Series Datasheet  

High PressureRegulators, High Pressure Gas Regulators and Back PressureRegulators from
ITT Conoflow:

HP300 High Pressure Reducing Regulator by Conoflow

Conoflow's HP300High Pressure Regulator is designed to accurately control supplypressures up to 10,000 PSIG (69 MPa). This piston sensing,self-relieving regulator allows pressure setting reduction in aclosed system by relieving downstream pressure through theregulator.

? Read theHP300 Datasheet  

HP500 High Pressure Reducing Regulators by Conoflow

Conoflow's HP500Regulator is a self-contained, diaphragm sensing high purityregulator. A broad offering of materials of construction and fivecontrol pressure ranges allow use of this unit in applications thatinclude the regulating of specialty gases, gas chromatography,research labs as well as the regulation of corrosive andnoncorrosive gases and liquids.

? Read theHP500 Datasheet  

HP600 High Pressure Reducing Regulator by Conoflow

Conoflow’s HP600 has1/4" NPT inlet and outlet connections. Inlet and outlet gauge portsare standard. High purity internal connections and VCR, Vacusealand Ultra Seal welded fittings are available upon request. Line andrear mounting are standard for this regulator.

? Read theHP600 Datasheet  

HP610 High Pressure Reducing Regulator by Conoflow

Conoflow's HP610 isa high purity, self-contained, spring-loaded, pressure reducingregulator. This unit is designed for use in applications requiringhigh flow rates and the ability to relieve outlet media pressure.Non-relieving models also are available.

? Read theHP610 Datasheet  

HP635 Series High Pressure Regulator by Conoflow

Conoflow's HP635Series unit is a high-flow, high-purity regulator that is designedas a purge gas regulator and may be used in high purity gas systemsinvolving corrosive and toxic media.

? Read theHP635 Series Datasheet  

HP700 High Pressure Two-Stage Regulator by Conoflow

Conoflow’s HP700Series regulator is a two-stage, high purity unit designed toprovide constant outlet pressure regardless of inlet pressurefluctuations. This unit is available in either brass or stainlesssteel construction. Maximum supply pressure rating for eithermaterial is 3500 PSIG (24.2 MPa). To provide optimum performance inspecific applications, this unit is offered with relieving,non-relieving, and tied (non-relieving) diaphragm options.

? Read theHP700 Datasheet  

Pneumatic Actuators, Pneumatic Piston Actuators and Lever Actuators from ITT Conoflow:

GB50/GB55 Series Pneumatic Piston Actuators by Conoflow

Conoflow’s PneumaticPiston Actuators are compact units designed to function in today’shigh performance instrument systems. Piston diameters of 3” to12.5” are available with standard strokes up to 10” (for strokelengths greater than 10”, consult the factory). Integralpositioners are standard for modulating service.

? Read theGB50/GB55 Series Datasheet  

GB52SC/GB53SC Series Level Actuators by Conoflow

Conoflow’s PneumaticLever Actuators are rugged and powerful units used to automaticallyposition dampers, louvers, variable pitch fans and to make variousmechanical adjustments to process machinery. Low profile (only 18”high) requires less headroom. A sturdy ductile iron yoke with largemounting base provides rigid mounting. The steel lever arm haseight take-off positions for stroke flexibility.

? Read theGB52SC/GB53SC Series Datasheet  

Positioners, Valve Positioners and Pneumatic Positioners from ITT Conoflow:

GC31/GC34 Commandaire? Positioners by Conoflow

Conoflow’sCommandaire? Positioner is a top mounted, integral positioner usedwith piston or spring and diaphragm actuators. Utilizing a forcebalance principle this unit provides proportional positioning of anactuator with stroke lengths up to 10”. The completely encloseddesign eliminates exposed levers or linkages making theCommandaire? Positioner rugged and reliable.

? Read theGC31/GC34 Datasheet  

GP50 Series Positioners by Conoflow

Conoflow's GP50Series Positioners are used to control the position of pneumaticactuators in precise relation to pneumatic signals. The compact,side mounted configuration allows the unit to be used inapplications where space is limited. The GP50 Positioner can beused with actuator strokes from 3/4” to 4”. Standard instrumentsignals are 3-7, 7-11, 3-15 and 6-30 PSI (21-48, 48-76, 21-103 and41-207 kPa) with split ranging available.

? Read the GP50Series Datasheet  

Pressure Transducers, Electro-Pneumatic Transducers and Motorized Transducers
from ITT Conoflow:

GT210 Series Electro-Pneumatic Transducers by Conoflow

Conoflow’sElectropneumatic Transducers accept a variety of electrical inputsignals and convert them to proportional pneumatic output signals.The miniature transducer is available with two different circuitboards. One board accepts current inputs of 4-20/10-50 mA DC andthe other accepts inputs of 0-5/ 1-9 VDC. Each board utilizes arange selector jumper switch which can be positioned to accept a4-20 or 10-50 mA DC input or a 0-5 or 1-9 VDC input,respectively.

? Read theGT210 Series Datasheet  

GT_8 Series Milliampere Electro-Pneumatic Transducers byConoflow

Conoflow'sElectro-pneumatic Transducers accept a variety of electrical inputsignals and convert them to proportional output signals of 3-15,3-27 or 6-30 PSIG (21-103, 21-186 or 41-207 kPa).

? Read the GT_8Series Datasheet  

GT_8 Series Millianpere Explosion-Proof Transducers byConoflow

Conoflow's GT_8Series Transducers are explosion-proof approved by Factory Mutual(FM), Canadian Standards Association (CSA) and CENELEC. These unitsincorporate the same high-quality standards as our other I/PTransducer lines and are backed by Conoflow's years of experienceas a leading manufacturer of instrumentation.

? Read the GT_8Series Datasheet  

IEEE Qualified I/P Transducers by Conoflow

Conoflow’s ModelsGT25/45/65CA-FA1826 Transducers have been qualified in accordancewith the requirements of IEEE 323-1974 and the recommendedpractices of IEEE 344-1975. The test program included ThermalAging, Radiation Aging, Wear Aging, Seismic Qualification and SteamLine Break Testing. For details of test conditions, consult thefactory.

? Read the GTIEEE Qualified Series Datasheet  

Accessories; Airlock Fail-Safe System and Snap-Acting Relays from ITT Conoflow:

Airlock Fail-Safe System by Conoflow

Today’ssystems demand ultimate performance from all components in thesystem. These include not only the primary instruments, but alsothe final control element, an integral part of the control loop. Tomeet these demands the actuator positioning the final controlelement must provide true proportional control in response to asignal regardless of the stem load and stuffing box friction.Without precise actuator positioning, the critical function of thefinal control element is reduced.

? Read theAirlock Fail-Safe Datasheet  

GVB/GVB12 Series Snap-Acting Relays by Conoflow

Designedfor pneumatic systems, Conoflow Series GVB Snap-Acting Relayschange ports to switch or lock in secondary air source when themain supply pressure fails below a predetermined set point.

? Read theGVB/GVB12 Series Datasheet