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Wasson-ECE設備公司已成立20多年,提供質量分析方案,在世界各地超過35個國家中都會發(fā)現(xiàn)其產(chǎn)品。公司的許多應用服務于碳氫化合物加工工業(yè),例如ExxonMobil,Shell,BP,BASF,Chevron,Conoco,Dow,DuPont,Pemex,China Petroleum,PDVSA,Petrobras,Japan Energy,Nippon Oil,和Saudi Aramco等。Wasson-ECE公司同樣在其他分析領域具備豐富的經(jīng)驗,其客戶包括Advanced Silicon Materials,Wyeth Pharmaceuticals,Merck & Co.,LG,NASA, Cal Tech,Kimberly Clark,Praxair,Air Liquide,Samsung,Toyota,US EPA,ITS Caleb Brett,SGS Controls,China National Research,WL Gore,和Mitsubishi等。Wasson-ECE公司專門研究配置和改良Agilent Technologies公司新型或已存的氣象色譜儀。公司的系統(tǒng)為有保證的全套分析方案,包括安裝、品質擔保和服務計劃。Wasson-ECE公司具備豐富的經(jīng)驗和**精神,為您提供解決方案。同時也支持定制分析系統(tǒng),為您的公司節(jié)約時間與資金。
Wasson-ECE Instrumentation has been providing quality analytical solutions for 20 years. Our products can be found in more than 35 countries around the world. Many of our applications cater to the hydrocarbon processing industry, with customers such as ExxonMobil, Shell, BP, BASF, Chevron, Conoco, Dow, DuPont, Pemex, China Petroleum, PDVSA, Petrobras, Japan Energy, Nippon Oil, and Saudi Aramco. We also have extensive experience in other analytical areas, with customers like Advanced Silicon Materials, Wyeth Pharmaceuticals, Merck & Co., LG, NASA, Cal Tech, Kimberly Clark, Praxair, Air Liquide, Samsung, Toyota, US EPA, ITS Caleb Brett, SGS Controls, China National Research, WL Gore, and Mitsubishi.Wasson-ECE specializes in configuring and modifying new or existing Agilent Technologies gas chromatographs. Our systems are guaranteed, turn-key analytical solutions, with the installation, warranty and service plan on us.
The Mission
Gas chromatographs are powerful, technologically complex analytical tools. With so many options available, many find it difficult to customize an instrument to perform a particular analysis. For those who don’t specialize in GC customization, it can be a time-consuming and costly process where the end result may not provide optimized, consistent analysis.
Wasson-ECE specializes in configuring and modifying new or existing Agilent Technologies gas chromatographs. Our systems are guaranteed, turn-key analytical solutions, with the installation, warranty and service plan on us. Contact us for your custom GC analysis needs and find out what a difference 20 years of experience can make.
The Process
The system ordering process begins with a conversation between the customer and one of our specialized marketing chemists. The customer describes analysis objectives and details of the sample composition such as analyte concentration ranges, sample phase, sample temperature, desired throughput, and any special project needs.
With this information, we begin to design and build your custom instrument. Our design team includes chemists, chemical engineers, electronic engineers, mechanical engineers, software engineers, and fabrication engineers. Together, we design a system that may add extra ovens, valves, plumbing, flow control, columns, electronics, software, and other specialized components to your complete GC system. We’re not simply system integrators. We can design and build exactly what your project needs.
Once the instrument has been built, we develop and test your complete analytical method. Our chemists run relevant samples through the GC system and provide you with example chromatograms for approval prior to shipment. Our insistence on customer approval assures customers that the system is performing to specification as guaranteed. Customers are also welcome to visit our Fort Collins, Colorado facility for factory acceptance testing prior to shipment at no additional charge.
When the customer is completely satisfied with the system, a Wasson-ECE field engineer travels to the customer’s site to install the system in the laboratory and provide extensive training. Our field engineers run customer samples and calibrate the instrument onsite. Once installed, the gas chromatograph is immediately ready to begin analysis.
After installation, and throughout the life of the chromatograph, our support chemists are ready to help, either onsite or by telephone. We can assist with application details, questions, training, calibration, maintenance, and on-site service and repair. The quality and responsiveness of our support team is second-to-none in the industry. While other companies delay you with voice mail or take a "hardware only" approach to service, we understand your needs and provide you with the prompt, personal help you deserve.
The History
Wasson-ECE Instrumentation has been providing quality analytical solutions for 20 years. Our products can be found in more than 35 countries around the world. Many of our applications cater to the hydrocarbon processing industry, with customers such as ExxonMobil, Shell, BP, BASF, Chevron, Conoco, Dow, DuPont, Pemex, China Petroleum, PDVSA, Petrobras, Japan Energy, Nippon Oil, and Saudi Aramco. We also have extensive experience in other analytical areas, with customers like Advanced Silicon Materials, Wyeth Pharmaceuticals, Merck & Co., LG, NASA, Cal Tech, Kimberly Clark, Praxair, Air Liquide, Samsung, Toyota, US EPA, ITS Caleb Brett, SGS Controls, China National Research, WL Gore, and Mitsubishi.
We have the experience. We have the innovation. We have the solutions. Contact Wasson-ECE today to find out how we can help your company save time and money with a custom analytical system.