  • 產品名稱:3300P氧氣分析儀

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3300P氧氣分析儀特點:1,Low cost, general purpose oxygen analyzer, disposable electrochemical sensor (Micro-fuel Cell)2,量程:0-1 to 0-25%
1,Low cost, general purpose oxygen analyzer, disposable electrochemical sensor (Micro-fuel Cell)
2,量程:0-1 to 0-25%
Industrial Products

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Series 3300 Trace and Percent Oxygen Analyzers

The 3300P series of low cost, microprocessor based, percent oxygen analyzers offers accuracy, reliability, low maintenance and standard features found on more expensive instruments. The 3300P offers two field configurable ranges and a calibration range, as well as two fully programmable low or high concentration alarms.

The 3300P features a fast responding, long life, fuel cell which can be used in a variety of background gases including hydrocarbons. A standard 0-10 VDC output provides range identification, while the oxygen concentration is output through 4-20 mADC and 0-10 VDC negative ground signals. This unit is available in both rack and bulkhead mount configurations.

The 3300M series offers the same exceptional features and high response time as the 3300P, but uses paramagnetic sensing technology. The benefits of this include:

  • Long life / service in clean gas streams
  • High accuracy
  • Can be applied on corrosive, high temperature applications
  • Fast response times (even on CO2 streams)
The 3300T series of low cost, microprocessor based, trace oxygen analyzers offers accuracy, reliability, low maintenance and standard features found on more expensive instruments. The 3300T offers two field configurable ranges and a calibration range, as well as two fully programmable low or high concentration alarms. Two ranges are standard at 0 - 100 and 0 - 1000 ppm with a 0-25% calibration range. Optional ranges are available.

The 3300TA panel mount or 3300TB wall mount features a fast responding, long life, fuel cell which can be used in a variety of background gases including hydrocarbons. A standard 0-10 VDC output provides range identification, while the oxygen concentration is output through 4-20 mADC and 0-10 VDC negative ground signals.

The 3300Z series offers the same generous features as all 3300 models, but utilizes zirconium oxide sensing technology. Benefits of this include:
  • Quick response time
  • Long life / service on clean, non-corrosive streams
  • No shelf life concerns
  • Can be applied on a wide variety of applications

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