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7600 - Non-Dispersive Infrared Gas Analyzer
7600 - Non-Dispersive Infrared Gas Analyzer
Model 7600 - Non-Dispersive Infrared Gas Analyzer
Teledyne's Series 7600 Infrared (IR) Gas Analyzer is capable of detecting up to four chosen, individual IR absorbing components (i.e. NO, SO2, CO2, CO, and CH4) on a continuous basis.
Conveniently packaged in either a 19" rack mount or NEMA-4 wall mount enclosure,
the Series 7600 can also be supplied with an oxygen sensor, providing the operator with a space-saving, five in one, cost-effective design. The NEMA-4 enclosure can be X or Z-purged to satisfy hazardous area installation requirements.
Industrial Products |
Teledyne's Series 7600 Infrared (IR) Gas Analyzer is capable of detecting up to four chosen, individual IR absorbing components (i.e. NO, SO2, CO2, CO, and CH4) on a continuous basis.
Conveniently packaged in either a 19" rack mount or NEMA-4 wall mount enclosure,
the Series 7600 can also be supplied with an oxygen sensor, providing the operator with a space-saving, five in one, cost-effective design. The NEMA-4 enclosure can be X or Z-purged to satisfy hazardous area installation requirements.
- Simultaneous measurement of up to five components
- Excellent long-term stability
- Large, easy to read LCD display showing all simultaneous measurements and computations
- Slide-out, chassis design to facilitate any optical or maintenance adjustments required to fine tune analyzer performance (7600A)
- In-depth, valuable analyzer functions attainable from the front-panel user interface buttons
- Follow & Hold output signal control (during calibration)
- Remote range change control
- Low / Hi limit alarms
- Range ID signals
- Auto-calibration with user adjustable frequency and gas flow time setting programming capabilities
- Remote auto-calibration initiation
- Auto-calibration status contacts
- Instrument or calibration error contact outputs
- Extra functions included such as average value computation, O2 conversion
- Follow & Hold output signal control (during calibration)
- Percent O2 detector Paramagnetic (built-in) or ZrO2 (externally installed), user preference
- O2 correction (the conversion of measured CO and SO2 readings into values at standard O2 concentration). Consult factory for more detail of functionality
- Communication functions:
- RS-232C (9 pins D-Sub connector)
- Half-duplex bit serial
- Modbus protocol