  • 產品名稱:7001E Carbon Monoxide AnalyzerCO 氣體分析儀

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7001E Carbon Monoxide AnalyzerCO 氣體分析儀 Teledyne公司的GFC的- 7001E帶氣體濾波相關措施的一氧化碳分析儀,通過對比分析儀紅外能量吸收,和一個參考依據Beer - Lambert定律吸收的氣體來測定低量程的一氧化碳濃度.
7001E Carbon Monoxide AnalyzerCO 氣體分析儀
Teledyne公司的GFC的- 7001E帶氣體濾波相關措施的一氧化碳分析儀,通過對比分析儀紅外能量吸收,和一個參考依據Beer - Lambert定律吸收的氣體來測定低量程的一氧化碳濃度.

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Model GFC-7001E Carbon Monoxide Analyzer

Teledyne's GFC-7001E Gas Filter Correlation CO analyzer measures low ranges of carbon monoxide by comparing infrared energy absorbed by a sample to that absorbed by a reference gas according to the Beer-Lambert law. This is accomplished with a gas filter wheel which alternately allows a high energy light source to pass through a CO filled chamber and a chamber with no CO present.

Up to 8000 records of stored data can be retrieved via the RS-232 port or from the front panel. The GFC-7001E features rugged construction and is designed to perform with a minimum of attention.

Features include:
  • Proven Gas Filter Correlation (GFC) infrared detector assembly
  • 0-1 ppm to 0-1000 ppm, user selectable
  • Gas Filter Wheel for CO specific mesasurement
  • 14 meter path length for sensitivity
  • GFC wheel guaranteed against leaks for 5 years
  • Multi-tasking software allows viewing test variables while operating
  • Continuous self checking with warning alarms
  • Bidirectional RS-232 for remote operation
  • Digital status outputs provide instrument condition
  • Adaptive signal filtering optimizes response time
  • Temperature and pressure compensation
  • Internal data logging with 1 minute to 24 hour averages
  • Advanced remote operation software
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