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Product Features
- Fully automatic on-line analysis
- Objective, repeatable measurements
- Fundamental cooled mirror principle
- Patented detection technique
- Self-cleaning
- CSA Certified
- ATEX approved to Ex II 2 G EExd IIB + H2 T4 for hazardous area operation
- Sampling system/sensor cell designed for exposed field location
- No purge air or external cooling system required
- Optional combined water and hydrocarbon dew-point analysis
- Modbus RTU communications protocol Touch screen interface
Technical Specification
SENSOR Measuring Technique DARK SPOT™ fixed sample analysis. Direct photo-detection of hydrocarbon condensate at hydrocarbon dew-point temperature Sensor Cooling Automatic via 3-stage Peltier effect electronic cooler Maximum Range ±-34°C HCDP from 21°C ambient @ 27 barg (range depends on sensor temperature) Accuracy ±0.5°C hydrocarbon dew point Sample Gas Flow Rate 0.03m³/hr (0.5 Nl/min) WATER DEW POINT MEASUREMENT (OPTIONAL) Accuracy ±1°C from -59 to +20°C dew point
±2°C from -100 to -60°C dew pointSample Gas Flow Rate 1 to 5 Nl/min PRESSURE MEASUREMENT Type HCdp-Type PDCR 1050-3465: 0 to 100 barg
Wdp-Type PDCR 1050-3574: 0 to 210 bargAccuracy ±0.25% FS HYDROCARBON DEW POINT ANALYZER Sample Gas Supply Natural gas up to 100 barg, pressure regulated in sampling system Enclosure EExd cast enclosure with removable glass window viewing port. Internally heated for condensation protection Sample Gas Connections ¼" NPT female ports for both hydrocarbon and water dew-point channels Operating Environment Indoors/Outdoors -20 to 60°C. Max 95% RH Power Supply 90-264 VAC 50/60 Hz, 200 W Main Unit; 300 W c/w indoor sampling system; 400 W c/w outdoor sampling system Weight Main Unit 22.5kg
c/w Sampling System (indoor) 42kg (approx)
c/w Sampling system (outdoor) 57kg (approx)Integrated Display Touch screen with vacuum fluorescent display Outputs and Alarms Modbus RTU, RS-485 @ 9600 baud rate
Two 4-20 mA linear (non-isolated) outputs, user configurable for any combination of dew-point or pressure parameters
Hydrocarbon and water dew-point alarms via software register. Integrated low flow alarms for each sample flowOPTIONS AND ACCESSORIES:
Remote Interface Integrated safe-area control unit for Condumax II, providing display of all variables, charting and logging functions, parameter control and remote diagnostic facilities.
19" Sub-Rack unit with 6.5" colour LCD display and mouse control.
Remote two channel digital display for safe area use, providing indication of selected variables (any two from hydrocarbon dew point, water dew point or system pressures) on a bright, twin 3.5 digit LED display with analogue output re-transmission and dual alarms.
Plant control Integration ActiveX components to be used by software programmers for integration of modbus protocol into a general plant software system.