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日期:2025-02-06 08:49
Application overview

TraceLess than 1000 ppm CO2 in the background gas311, 316, 317, 318, 3160B-2C
3000T seriesL-2C
More than 1000 ppm up to 100% CO2 in the background gasAll trace oxygen instrumentsA-2C
Note: To use the A-2C or B-2C sensor in a 3000Tseries instrument, adapter part number B66378 is required.
Note: The L-2C sensor cannot be used in our olderanalog models (300 series).
PercentLess than 1000 ppm CO2 in the background gas311P, 320A / P / BRC, 326, 327, 328B-1, B-3 standard;
C-3 for high concentration of O2
More than 1000 ppm up to 100% CO2 in the background gasA-5

Selecting a Teledyne Oxygen Sensor - Detail

(click for spec control drwg.)
oxygen sensor
C6689-A1Ultra-fast response (90% in less than 4 seconds)in the percent oxygen region.Use only when B-1 response time is insufficient.
oxygen sensor
C6689-A2CUsed for trace O2 measurements in CO2 containingbackgrounds (0.1-100% CO2). CO2 must be present.Use where acid gases are present (CO2, HCl, HCN,etc). CO2 must be present.
oxygen sensor
B74033-A2CXLSpecially qualified A2C sensor to operate in XLmodel analyzers. Low range limit is 0-1 ppm.Use where acid gases are present (CO2, HCl, HCN,etc). CO2 must be present.
        A-2Cl:Obsolete, use A-2C
        A-3:Obsolete, use A-5
oxygen sensor
C6689-A5Intermittent or continuous monitoring of percentO2 in gas mixtures containing 0-100% CO2. 90% response is time is45 seconds.Has more tolerance to exposure to air than A-3. Norestrictions on CO2 concentration.
oxygen sensor
C6689-B1General purpose percent oxygen analysis where fastresponse is desired (90% in less than 7 seconds).Use B-3 or C-3 where longer life is required andresponse time is relatively unimportant. May be used to spot checkflue gas.
oxygen sensor
C6689-B2CGeneral purpose trace O2 analysis for use in inertgas and hydrocarbon streams. Low range limit is 0-10 ppm.May be used in CO2 free gas streams containinghighly mobile gases such as H2, He and ethylene.
oxygen sensor
B71875Special patented construction provides rapidrecovery, during initial cell installation, to low PPM levels byreducing the recovery period from several hours to just minutes.Low range limit is 0-10 ppm.Used for trace O2 analysis in inert gas andhydrocarbon streams.
oxygen sensor
C6689-B2CXLSpecially qualified B-2C sensor to operate in XLmodel analyzers. Low range limit is 0-1 ppm.May be used in CO2 free gas streams containinghighly mobile gases such as H2, He and ethylene.
oxygen sensor
C6689-B3Percent O2 analysis, best compromise between longlife and fast response.May be used to spot check flue gas.
oxygen sensor
C14613-B4CTrace O2 cell specifically designed for the Model317EXI.Same performance as the B-2.
oxygen sensor
C45091-B5Special application cell (non-standard) where longlife and moderately fast response are required; B-5 has a factor of3x the life of a B-3.Requires 3x the amplifier gain of the B-3.Expected life is 36 months in air.
oxygen sensor
C45091-B5FSpecial application cell (non-standard) where longlife and moderately fast response, in the presence of CO2, arerequired.Uses Type F (acid electrolyte). Requires higheramplifier gain than normal. 90% response time is 13 seconds.Expected life in air is 6 months.
oxygen sensor
B45091-B7Special application cell (non-standard) where fastresponse is required; the B-7 has a factor of 3x the life of a B-1cell.Requires 3x the amplifier gain of the B-1.Expected life in air is 24 months.
oxygen sensor
B45091-B7FSpecial application cell (non-standard) wheremoderate life and fast response, in the presence of CO2, arerequired.Requires higher amplifier gain than normal. 90%response time is 7 seconds. Expected life in air is 3 months.
oxygen sensor
C6689-C1Rarely used. Schematic for referenceonly.
oxygen sensor
C6689-C2Rarely used. Schematic for referenceonly.
oxygen sensor
C6689-C3Percent O2 measurements where maximum cell life isdesired (high O2 applications).90% response time is 30 seconds. Expected life inair is 18 months.
oxygen sensor
C45091-C5Special application cell (non-standard) where longlife is required; the C-5 has a factor of 3x the life of a C-3cell.Requires 3x the amplifier gain of the C-3.Expected life in air is 54 months.
oxygen sensor
C45091-C5FSpecial application cell (non-standard) where long life, in thepresence of CO2, is required.Requires higher amplifier gain than normal. 90% response timeis 30 seconds. Expected life in air is 9 months.
oxygen sensor
C54090-C6Motion insensitive percent O2 measurements for use in hand heldportable monitors.Best cell for OEM safety applications.
oxygen sensor
C14991-E1Special cell with performance characteristic of the C-3 with 5xthe life.Cell is 2 to 3 times the length of standard MFCs; requiresspecial mounting. Designed for medical oxygen concentrators.
oxygen sensor
C57283-E2Long life cell for use is the Model 3290 (for use in unattendedair liquefaction nitrogen skids).Has a 3 to 4 years expected life in air. Minimum range 0-1000ppm.
F-1RC40371-F1R0-1000 ppm CO in AirUsed in Max 5 and 9950 Portable Combustion Analyzers
F-3C55194-F3Rarely used. Schematic for referenceonly.
INSTA TRACE - CO2B73016Special patented construction provides rapidrecovery, during initial cell installation, to low PPM levels byreducing the recovery period from several hours to just minutes.Used for trace O2 measurements in CO2 containing backgrounds(0-100% CO2) in the 3000T analyzer series.Use where acid gases are present (CO2, HCl, HCN,etc). CO2 must be present. The INSTA TRACE Micro-fuel Cell oxygensensor is capable of measuring below 1 ppm of oxygen within 15minutes of installation.
oxygen sensor
B73592Special patented construction provides rapidrecovery, during initial cell installation, to low PPM levels byreducing the recovery period from several hours to just minutes.Specially qualified sensor to operate in XL model analyzers with alow range limit of 0-1 ppm.Used for trace O2 analysis in inert gas andhydrocarbon streams.
oxygen sensor
C43832-K1Smallest Micro-fuel Cell, for use in applications where smallsize or multiple sensing requirements exist.OEM applications; PC board mountable.
oxygen sensor
C6689-L2CUsed for general purpose trace oxygen analysis in the 3000Tanalyzer series.Has a 2 year expected life.
oxygen sensor
C6689-L2CXLSpecially qualified L2C sensor to be used in 3000XL analyzerseries. Low range limit is 0-1 ppm.May be used in CO2 free gas streams containing highly mobilegases such as H2, He and ethylene.
oxygen sensor
C6689-L2CIUsed in the Model 3000T series for trace O2 measurements; useonly in CO2 and H2 background mixtures (e.g. inert gas generators).CO2 concentration should be within +/-20% about some nominalconcentration.
oxygen sensor
C6689-S2CTrace oxygen cell for use in TurbO2 analyzer. Provides rapidrecovery from air calibration (approximately 20 minutes).Low range limit is 0-100 ppm. Has three pin contact system.
oxygen sensor
C6689-Z2CHas the same features as the S-2, except configured for use inthe Model 3190.Low range limit is 0-100 ppm. Has normal Micro-fuel Cellcontact plate.

Storage Recommendations for Micro-FuelCells

After the Micro-fuel Cell barrier bag is sealed, the sensor (cell)continues to react with the oxygen inside the bag.

Eventually, all of the oxygen is consumed and the cell remains inan inert oxygen-free atmosphere until the bag is opened.

The barrier bag transmits negligible amounts of oxygen and othergases, and almost no moisture. Thus the cell can be stored forperiods up to 6 months and still provide 90% or better of itsexpected life when finally placed into use.

Loss of sensor life in storage can be minimized by following anumber of practical stocking procedures.

1) Never remove the cell from the barrier bag until the cell isready to be used.

2) Store the sealed cell in a cool storage chamber. Storagetemperature can be room temperature or below. A range of 10 to 22Celsius is satisfactory.

3) Avoid any prolonged storage in warm or dry environments. Do notstore the cells in an area that is exposed to direct sunlight.

4) Maintain careful records of the serial numbers for cells putinto stock and for those supplied out of stock. Cells should besupplied from stock on a first-in, first-out basis.

5) Schedule stock cell orders to coincide with the expected needand thereby minimize cell storage periods. Although it is possibleto store the cells for reasonably long periods and still maintaincell life, it is advisable to exercise strict discipline in thismatter. For instance, set a stock period target of three months. Bysetting a goal to turn over stock every three months, cell lifewill be maximized and warranty issues minimized.