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日期:2025-02-05 05:42

Proprietary Oxygen Sensors/專用傳感器

The evolutionofelectronicsinfluences virtually every aspect of our personalandbusinesslives. The world of gas analysis is no exception asthepremiumplaced yields and product quality increase. Oftenoverlookedis thefact that the sensor is the heart of any gasanalyzer.AnalyticalIndustries Inc. focuses on optimizing thecriticalcharacteristicsof the sensor for specific application andhasproduced the firstreal advancements in sensor technologyindecades.

Designed andmanufacturedentirelyin-house under a quality assurance systemindependentlycertified toISO 9001:2000, MDD 93/42/EEC, EN12598-ISO7767, ISO13485:2003standards for industrial, medical, diving,automotiveand personnelsafety applications, Analytical IndustriesInc.offers the widestrange of oxygen sensors and analyzersavailabletoday.




Advanced Sensor Technology


Advanced Galvanic Oxygen Sensor 0-1% Range
Most applications for percentage range oxygen analysis emphasize the need for longer life in order to minimize service requirements. But, the grey area transitioning from high ppm to low percent oxygen analysis presents the challenge of providing the best life, performance and price. Our unique ability to offer a number of solutions enables users to select the best option, see below, for their particular application.


Advanced Galvanic O2 Sensor 0-1% Range






Worse Case (1)






Stability 0-1%



in Air



+15o F Changes

Expected Life







GPR-11 Series

50 uA


13 seconds

+ 0.05%

32-120 mos.


50 uA


13 seconds

+ 0.05%

24 mos.


180 uA


30 seconds

+ 0.03%

15 mos.


300 uA


13 seconds

+ 0.02%

10 mos.


500 uA


10 seconds

+ 0.01%

5 mos.

Stability: < 1% of FS rangeatconstantconditions

Advanced Galvanic O2 Sensor0-1% Range (a)


AdvancedGalvanic%Oxygen Sensor
Reliability, extended long life and performance arecriticaltomeeting the need for oxygen measurements imposedbytoday’sindustrial process, medical, diving, natural gasandweldingapplications. In addition, XLT sensors, requiredwhencarbondioxide concentrations exceed 0.5%, do not freeze andarecapableof measuring ppm oxygen in 0-100% carbon dioxidegasstreams.

  • Accuracy: +1% FS under constantconditions
  • Sensitivity: 0.5% of full scale range
  • Low range: 0-10 ppm full scale
  • Expected operating life: 24 months
  • Response time 90% of full scale: < 10 seconds
  • Recovery: To 0.1% (1000 ppm) from exposuretoair< 30 seconds
  • Expected life: 32-120 monthsinnormalapplications
Advanced Galvanic % Oxygen Sensor


Advanced Galvanic OxygenPuritySensor

The growing demand for amorecosteffective method of qualifying medical grade (99.5%)andelevated(80-100% pure) concentrations of oxygen resulted in the

  • Accuracy: +1% FS under constantconditions
  • Inherent 0.1% following calibrationwith100%oxygen
  • Sensitivity: 0.5% of full scale range
  • High range: 90-100% suppressed full scale range
  • Expected operating life: 24 months
  • Response time 90% of full scale: < 13 seconds
  • Expected life: 24 months at100%oxygenlevels
Advanced Galvanic Oxygen Purity Sensor


Pico-Ion “UHP” Oxygen Sensor
A major breakthrough in sensor technology designed for detecting oxygen contamination in ‘ultra high purity’ industrial gases.

  • Sensitivity: < 0.25 ppb or < 250 ppt
  • Stability: < 1 ppbovertemperaturefluctuations of + 10o F
  • Low range: 0-100 ppb full scale
  • Response time 90% of full scale: < 60 seconds
  • Recovery: To 1 ppb from 5 minute exposure to1ppmin 30 minutes
  • Calibration intervals: 2-3 monthswithnomaintenance
  • Expected life: 15 monthsundernormalconditions
Pico-Ion UHP Oxygen Sensor



Pico-Ion “MS” Oxygen Sensor
Derived from the ‘UHP’ sensor, the strong signal output of the ‘MS’ sensor provides excellent stability for high ppb and low ppm oxygen analysis.

  • Accuracy: +1% FS under constantconditions
  • Sensitivity: < 5 ppb
  • Low range: 0-1 ppm full scale
  • Response time 90% of full scale: < 20 seconds
  • Recovery: To 10 ppb from 5 minute exposureto1ppm in 15 minutes
  • Expected life: 36 monthsundernormalconditions
Pico-Ion MS Oxygen Sensor


Advanced Galvanic ppm Oxygen Sensor
Exhibit better stability at low oxygen levels, faster recovery, long life and 1 year warranty. In addition, XLT sensors, required when carbon dioxide concentrations exceed 0.5%, do not freeze and are capable of measuring ppm oxygen in 0-100% carbon dioxide gas streams.

  • Accuracy: +1% FS under constantconditions
  • Sensitivity: < 50 ppb
  • Low range: 0-10 ppm full scale
  • Expected operating life: 24 months
  • Response time 90% of full scale: < 7 seconds
  • Recovery: To 10 ppm from 3 minute exposuretoairin 60 minutes
  • Expected life: 24 monthsinnormalapplications
Advanced Galvanic ppm Oxygen Sensor



Advanced Galvanic 0-100 ppm Oxygen Sensor
Derived from the Galvanic ppm oxygen sensor, the 0-100 ppm sensor was tailored to analyzers designed for higher level ppm oxygen analysis. XLT sensors do not freeze and are capable of measuring ppm oxygen in 0-100% carbon dioxide gas streams.

  • Accuracy: +1% FS under constantconditions
  • Sensitivity: < 500 ppb
  • Low range: 0-100 ppm full scale
  • Response time 90% of full scale: < 13 seconds
  • Recovery: To 50 ppm from 1 minute exposuretoairin 60 minutes
  • Expected life: 36 monthsinnormalapplications
Advanced Galvanic 0-100 ppm Oxygen Sensor